This Day's Verse

Jeremiah 10:7Who would not fear thee, O King of nations? for to thee doth it appertain: forasmuch as among all the wise men of the nations, and in all their kingdoms, there is none like unto thee.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Natural Beauty

Here are some pics from a recent float trip to the Elk River in Noel, MO. It was very tame this time of year. Perfect for a family outing. But, be prepared to ROW quite a bit. :)

I love to surround myself with beautiful things. I like to fill my rooms with photos, paintings, mirrors, fabrics, pillows, sconces, sculptures, metal work art, glass, comfy furniture, soft pillows and a host of other baubles and delights.
Still none of that compares to being outdoors in nature.
Reflections on water cannot be hung neatly on a wall. Floating clouds cannot be nailed down. Ripples in a pond can be photographed but they cannot show movement or cause the relaxation that observing them in motion will. Nothing I have in my home compares to God's own handiwork in nature. I crave that natural beauty.
So, that is why every chance my husband and I get, we  float down a river in a canoe. Or, if we can't get away, we get out and walk on hiking trails in our area or whereever we vacation.  If you haven't been to Burr Oak Woods Nature Center in Blue Springs, or Watkins Mill in Kearney, those are two that I recommend. Float trips to enjoy are Niangua River   and  Current River, both in MO.
Be sure to take lots of water, healthy snacks and proper shoes. early morning and later in the evening are more comfortable as fr as temperatures. Or, wait til fall. I can't wait that long, though.
I pray your week finds you somewhere in the midst of His natural Beauty. :)

Psalm 19:1 The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.

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