Kids are getting bored this time of year. It is too hot to stay outdoors and there isn't much to do indoors. What are some ways you keep them entertained?
Read these ideas, but, come back often because there are more to come! Please share your ideas as comments. Email your summer fun pics to if you would like me to share them on this page. Thank you!
Each entry on my page will include a symbol to note expenses involved. :)
NOT MANY (If any) $10 or less |
A few bucks. $10-$30 |
More than $30 |
GIANT BUBBLE MAKERS! All you need are: dowel rods, duct tape, screw hooks and yarn to make the bubble makers! Bubbles, or make the bubble recipe from 1/3 C. Dawn, 3 tblspns sugar, and a gallon of water. You really must try this before summer is out!
We got out the Giant Bubble Makers again this morning. It was very hot outside but we went out early so it wasn't too bad. For complete instructions go to
They are so simple! This toy is so easy to use -my two year old grand daughter can do it by herself!! So fun!
ANIMAL SHELTER VISIT The only expense required is what you decide to donate. This activity would not require donations. You could just see about an appt to play with some of the animals.

An idea submitted by a KLove listener suggests taking your kids to your local animal shelter to drop off a donation of cat litter or dog food. I would add that you might want to call first and ask if there are any specific needs for the shelter such as blankets or toys. Take your children and let them visit the animals. Maybe you will be allowed to play with or walk some of them. Great idea! This would be fun and also teaches children to serve the community and care for animals.
NURSING HOME VISIT AND HANDMADE GIFT GIVING The only expense involved is paper and crayons or watercolor paints and the gas it takes to get to the nursing home. 
On the giving theme, have children make drawings, watercolors or crafts. Pick the best ones and take your children to an area nursing home to share their creations with the residents. If children will, let them give the item to the resident personally. Take tape or plasti tac to hang drawings or paintings up for them. Again, I suggest calling in advance to ask best time of day for your special visit.
CRAZY MONSTER ART White copy paper and crayons

Distribute blank white copy paper to children. Instruct them to fold it into at least 4 folds (like a fan). Have kids each draw a head in the first section. They will let the drawing lines overlap the fold a small amount into the next section. Then, they will fold first section backward, exposing the next section, but hiding their drawing of the head. They will then pass their heads to the next person who will draw the torso and arms, or tentacles. Again let the lines of the torso overlap to the third section. When finished,, fold it backward and pass it. The third section will start from the lines and draw the legs (no feet yet, just the legs). Overlap the bottom of the lines of the legs into the fourth section and fold it back. Pass it to the next person and they will draw the feet. Now, everyone open their entire paper and see what kind of monster was created! I hope they don't SCREAM!
GAME DAY Introduce your kids and some of their friends or cousins to old and new games.

Do this with your kids, or several. If you want more kids involved, perhaps nieces or nephews, invite your own siblings to join you. Keep to a manageble amount of kids. No more than 4 per adult. If other adults are coming, let them help by bringing a healthy snack like popcorn, licorice, fruit, etc. Ask them to bring one of their favorite new or old games. Oldies will range from Backgammon to Life, Masterpiece, Stratego, Cribbage, Marbles, etc. Newer games might be Apple to Apples, Uno Slam, etc.

When everyone arrives, have your own adult show and tell for the kids. Let the adults take turns describing games they loved as a child. Plan stations for adults to man a game. Divide snacks into snack bowls at each table. Count off kids into as many groups as there are stations. One, Two, Three...all the ones go to station one. All the twos go to station two. And so on. Give each station twenty or twenty five minutes to play. Then ring a game bell or other sound to signify it is time to rotate. This activity allows adults to interact with children giving them insight into some of the things they enjoyed doing as a child. If the weather is not too hot or humid, adults can all go out and teach the kids how to play games they played when young. Kickball, Double Dutch Jump rope, Red Rover Red Rover, Hide n Seek, Freeze Tag, even a good ol softball game will be fun for everyone and provide exercise, too!
PHOTO SAFARI All you need is a camera, gas, newspaper, a large frame (optional) and the price of printing photos.

Think of a list of familiar things in the neighborhood: Weeping Willow, bridge, creek, flower, tree, dog, cat, bicycle, wooden fence, stop sign, blue house, bench, etc.. Add some stores they are familiar with or buildings nearby, such as Target, Post Office, etc. Divide these on separate pieces of paper. Go for a drive (or WALK if weather permits) and each hunter will look for the items on their list. As they are found, take a picture, or allow the child to take a picture if you think they are capable. If in a car, be careful to make sure only the child who found something can get out with you to take the picture. Or, if in a busy area, pull over to a safe place and take it from inside the car. The first one to complete their list gets a small prize such as getting out of a chore, or candy. Let everyone try to finish their list. Print the pictures out at home or at a photo processing place. Mount the photos onto a newspaper sheet making sure to let interesting headlines show through. Frame the collage of your neighborhood images. Children will take pride and learn to be more observant of their surroundings.

ALTERNATIVE #1: Make a route of places, homes and stores that you frequent: grandma's house, aunt's house, church, dr office, school, grocery stores, parks, etc. Take pictures or let children take pictures. Print photos and label right on the newsprint underneath the photo with a Sharpie. Mount them onto a newspaper sheet and frame the collage. This will be something to look at years from now and see how these places will change.

ALTERNATIVE #2: Take pictures inside the house. Whatever they would like. Their pets, their room, the swingset, their desk area, their bed, curtains, toys, bathtub, books they like, etc. Tape the prints into a notebook or photo album or use the comic section of a newspaper.

Alternative #3: Go to a zoo. Find the map and keep it to take home with you. Take pictures of animals and get someone to get a happy pose of your family together. When you get the prints back or printed, unfold the Zoo Map and let the kids help you adhere the pictures in a pleasing arrangement. Write the date you went. Hang the collage as a memento of a wonderful outing.
ALTERNATIVE #4: The same as #3 but go to an amusement park.